About Jeanine

JeanineWelcome to the world of my soul’s meanderings and journey! I grew up and was educated in the San Francisco Bay area. I left home at the age of seventeen and ventured into the turbulence of Haight Ashbury and the anti Vietnam war movement in San Francisco, although I was insulated from much of its impact by my rigorous studies to become a Registered Nurse. I married young, passed my state boards and had a baby boy, all within a short period of time.

Divorced by the age of twenty two, I began a pilgrimage that took me from one end of our country to the other, including a four year stint in the Hawaiian Islands.

My career path in the medical field began in direct clinical care, but eventually lead to management positions in hospital administration and eventually to becoming a corporate Vice President for a large national managed care company. Stricken with an unexpected illness and diagnosed at the Mayo Clinic with a Nervous System Disorder, I was forced to find my true nature and the genuine me amid the rubble of a shattered self.

Without answers in traditional Western medicine, I sought alternative therapies as a measure of last resort, not realizing that the answers were present within my grasp at my heart and soul level in the spiritual realm.

Fighting my way back from the precipice of darkness, the journey became life altering and life affirming. I shed the old and made room for the new me to emerge. As part of that healing journey, I returned to the university to study fine art, taking classes in welding and drawing, and eventually becoming a fibers major.

Using the right side of my brain and engaging art, music and writing were the elixirs that my soul needed to express itself. I am an artist at my very core and spend a portion of each day cultivating expression through various mediums. In addition, although these credentials, experiences or expertise do not define who I am, they do lend credibility to my art and authorship, therefore I will mention them as adjuncts.

I was one of the first to be nationally certified in healthcare quality, appeared in Who’s Who Worldwide, owned a small retail business, am a Certified Holistic Life Coach, a level two Reiki practitioner, a lifelong scholar of human behavior, a psychic empath, an animal intuitive, and my art and home have been featured twice in major periodicals.

I am a highly sensitive person with a strong connection to the energetic changes and rhythms of nature. I prefer a kinder and gentler way of life and have sought out silence and solitude as a way to balance the pace and chaos of our world today. I live from the heart place and find loving kindness to be integral to my sense of wellbeing. I invite you into my sacred space as I share my soul’s work. Namaste!